Sunshine Vit D3 1000IU Vegan

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RSP $30.00

A potent dose of natural Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol) It is 100% Plan-Based, hence, suitable for both vegans & vegetarians alike. Vitamin D3 helps enhance the function of immune cells while boosting calcium and phosphate absorption which are essential for healthy bones and bone density.

100% Plant-based Vitamin D3 1000IU, MCT oil, Gelatin (veg)

Adults: Take 1 a day with or after a meal, or as professionally prescribed

Key Benefits

  • 100% Plant-Based Vitamin D3
  • Improves Calcium Absorption
  • Improves Muscle Strength
  • Boosts Natural Immunity
  • Helps to Relieve Eye Dryness